How to fix “You require permission from SYSTEM to make changes to this file” on Windows 7


    Tech mistake |“You require permission from SYSTEM to make changes to this file” – that annoying message seems to bug me (and a few other people on the net) quite a lot. It happened when I tried to delete a folder in my Games drive (not sure who created the folder in the first place). Apart from Windows making your computer to wake up from sleep by itself, this is another issue frequently encountered by many.

    With this issue, it seems that the permissions got mixed up as I reformatted my Windows 7 and moved things around. Here is how to fix “You require permission from SYSTEM to make changes to this file” on Windows 7 even when you are already an Administrator.

    1. Right click on the folder (or file) what you want to delete which has this annoying problem – choose Properties.
    2. Go to “Security” tab – “Advanced”.
    3. Go to “Owner” tab – “Edit”
      Owner tab
    4. On the “Change owner to:”, click on the username you are using at the moment and then tick the “Replace owner on subcontainers and objects”. Press OK to save and keep pressing OK until you close all the windows.
    5. Again, do a right click on the folder/file – then choose Properties.
    6. Again, Go to “Security” tab – “Advanced”.
    7. On the “Permissions” tab (where you should be now), go to “Change Permissions”.
      Change Permissions
    8. Keep the “Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent” uncheckedBUT check the “Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object”.
      Tick boxes
    9. Press “OK” to confirm and “Yes” on the pop-up window:
      Windows Security
    10. Keep pressing “OK” until you close all the pop-up windows.
    11. Now delete the file/folder with the “You require permission from SYSTEM to make changes to this file” issue.
    12. Say goodbye to it 😉

    Hope this fix works for you as it’s a really annoying Windows 7 permission issue, thanks to Copious Ideas blog. No more “You require permission from SYSTEM” annoying message to see.