CMOS Battery Failure Symptoms And Its Solution


    CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) is an essential component of every desktop computer and laptop. it is a part of the motherboard which holds the important configuration’s data. And CMOS stores system date and time, BIOS password, etc. So CMOS is powered by a small Lithium battery which is also called a CMOS battery. All data stored on a CMOS is erased if it stops getting power from it and the computer is restarted.

    Tech mistake | All data stored on a CMOS is erased if it stops getting power from the battery. Here are some of the typical symptoms of battery failure.

    Failure Symptoms

    The most common symptoms of a bad CMOS battery are:

    1. Incorrect System date and time every time you turn on your computer. Because CMOS is not getting power while the computer is turned off so it cannot hold the time and date settings.
    2. The system may play a beep sound with an error message like CMOS checksum error or CMOS reading error.
    3. Your Computer’s BIOS password is erased every time you restart your computer.
    4. You may face some driver or hardware issues.

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    One or all of the above-mentioned symptoms can occur when it is not providing enough power. But the most typical symptom of a CMOS  failure is incorrect system date and time.