GTA 5: How To Download and Play GTA 5


GTA 5: It’s all about the GTA 5 that we will be talking about.

Yes, all the GTA lovers out there may be quite excited about it, right?

Do you know what is so special about this GTA 5 game?

Tech mistake |Well, it is special because GTA 5 is the version of the grand theft auto which can be played while you are traveling. Even when you are at a place where you are not mindful, just enter into the world of GTA.

Well, buddy, you are into your fantasy world at any place.

I have dedicated this article fully to GTA 5 for Android users.

Features Of GTA V For Android

Yes, features talk about it and we know what to get from this version. So let’s have a look at the features of the game:

  • It is having one of the best graphics which is just incomparable. You can compare the graphics with the Xbox or the PlayStation easily. (A few things depend on the device that you are using to play the game).
  • It is now available for the android device and thus it is a game-changer version. The best part is that this is compatible with the other version of the devices too.
  • Save the file from another console and you can easily continue it without interruption. Well, we cannot overlook this part anyhow.
  • You can do in-app purchases and use other mods using the Lucky Patcher For Android!
  • The online playing of the game can be exciting. Well, it’s not the only thing; you can play it in offline mode too. In the offline mode, you need to get online to save the game.
  • A quad-core processor and a higher ram and excellent graphics can help you get the game playing.

So these are the features that this game has been made interesting with. If you are for the GTA 5 for the Android version, well it’s here in front of you.

The Android user, be happy with the new version of GTA

GTA has been an all-time favorite game for all game lovers as the action-adventure game. In this game, you can either play with the first person or the third-person view. It’s totally up to you.

The location is not exact but has been inspired by Los Angeles. The city name in the game is Los Santos.

Well if you are not in the city, so what you can roam about here at GTA freely. This is the best part of the mobile version of the game.

Well, another interesting thing is that it is like your second life. Not just roaming but you can do whatever you want to. If you are into any crime then you will be seen in the wanted meter on the top right corner. The stars will be given and they would also say how many police forces would come to arrest you.

The best part of the game is that you can play as different characters. Switch between 3 different characters that are having different skills of their own. Some may be good at driving or at racing or maybe skydiving. So switch to any of these three characters.

Sounds quite interesting, right?

So what are you waiting for? It is compatible with the Android version and so downloads it for the right way of playing and enjoying it. The beta version of the game is the most appropriate one to download. In case you find any bugs or errors report them and it will be solved for you. I have shared little guidance for you to download and install the game on your phone.

Stepwise guide for the installation of the game

The link for GTA 5 is provided and you can get it easily.

  • Click on the below link to download the game’s apk file.

Download GTA V Apk

  • If the download is being done from a PC, then the device should be connected to the computer.
  • Copy the apk. File to the device. It would be GTA5.apk
  • Open the file. A pop-up will appear. This would say about the blocking of the installation from any unknown sources.
  • In this case, you have to go to the settings of the device. Allow the installation.
  • Installation of the GTA would take a few minutes.
  • Now after installation, the icon of the GTA would be seen on the device.
  • Click on it and you can start playing the game.
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Thus it is a very simple one to follow and easily do it. Even if you are new, follow these steps. They are accurate and just what you have to do for the game.

Why the android version?

The Android version of the game has been launched soon after the game was launched for Microsoft. It is particularly the beta version that is officially released for Android devices. The game is also having an in-game purchase too. If you wish you can buy weapons, vehicles, or any luxury items too.  When it was officially released this game is not at all free.  It is also advanced in features compared to other consoles.

It is totally a different experience to play the game on your mobile phone. Mostly we all have experienced playing it on our computer. So you will be finding it more interesting to play the game over the mobile phone when you are traveling.

Final words on GTA

We are at the end part of the article. Hope this article is useful for you and you get all the essential things about the game. Next time when you are traveling alone, make your long period of boring traveling fun and exciting in this virtual world of GTA. If you have any queries share them with us.