Private Information – 5 Tips On How to Keep it Safe

protecting personal information in the workplace
protecting personal information in the workplace

5 Tips On How to Keep Your Private Information Safe

Tech mistake |As the world becomes more and more of a global village, there is an urgent need to keep private information safe from bad actors that may want to steal your identity, hack into your bank accounts, or do any other malicious things to you. New graduates are often targets for identity thieves. That is why recent college graduates need to take extra precautions when it comes to protecting their information online. While there are many resources available, you’ll find what you need to know about how dissertation experts protect their information online here.

Top 5 Tips For Keeping Private Information Safe

1. Keep Your Data Encrypted

If you conduct online transactions a lot, you will be at a higher risk of having your private information stolen online. To reduce the chances of this happening, try as much as you can to keep your browser secure by encrypting your information. Everything you put on the Internet should be encrypted. Make sure that the information is safe while it is being transferred from one server to another. Normally, this encryption software comes in traditional browsers like Chrome and Firefox. Anytime you see a lock before you send personal information, it is encrypted.

2. Keep Mobile Phones Safe

Since smartphones are mini-computers, they are often filled with a lot of personal information from saved passwords, social security numbers, private photos, and many more. So, you need to be careful not to let it fall into the wrong hands. If you want to change your phone, make sure that you delete information from it permanently. Keep in mind that you will need to read the manufacturer’s manual on how to delete private information from your phone permanently. There are also instructions on how to transfer information to a new device.

3. Mind What You Share On Social Media

In this social media age, it can be tempting to share everything about your life on social media. Keep in mind that this isn’t a good idea. Even if you are not advised to use fake names on your social media accounts, you don’t need to give out too much information about yourself. Bad actors can use information from your page to get access to your account.

Things like your social security number, full house address, account number, and phone number should not be exposed. Rather than allowing just anyone to have access to your page, make sure that only people you know and trust can see your information. Before you join a social media network or sign up for anything else online, make sure that you read and understand the terms and conditions. That is because the terms may give you details about what the company intends to do with your private information.

4. Shred-It And Hide it

Protecting your information online is good, but you also need to protect your information offline. Make sure that you shred receipts, tellers, applications that you don’t use, or any other document that may contain information about you.

Apart from destroying any document that isn’t in use, make sure that you mind the number of documents you carry from one place to another. When you’re leaving the house, take only your identification card and payment card. Do not carry your social security number along except you want to use it. Also, only a photocopy of your Medicare card should be carried. And that copy should not contain all the digits except you have a doctor’s appointment.

5. Make Sure Your Devices Are Secure

Your phone, laptop, and every other IoT device need to be secure at all times. Download strong security software on your phone, laptops, and iPads. Make sure that your privacy and protection settings are up-to-date. Don’t click on random links and mind the websites you visit. Your email should be protected by an anti-spam feature that takes suspicious emails straight to the spam folder.


These are the top five ways to protect your personal information from bad actors on and off the Internet.

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