Flatulence causes or Wet Fart and its Remedies

Flatulence causes
Flatulence causes – When you have wet, watery, or liquid Flatulence (fart ) you don’t always know what caused them.  They aren’t comfortable though and they can be very embarrassing.  Do you want to know more about wet farts?  We’ll be mature as we explain them to you.

Symptoms of Wet or liquid Farts

Tech mistake | The symptoms of wet farts are what cause them to be so uncomfortable and embarrassing.  Symptoms of wet farts include:

  • Wet Sounding Farts
  • Water in Farts
  • Expelling Liquid or Other Rectal Matter
  • Farts that come out moist and in form of bubbles.
  • Smelly farts

Causes of Wet Farts or Watery Flatulence

There are multiple causes of wet farts or watery flatulence.  Each one of these causes can compound with other causes or work by itself.  Here are the causes of watery flatus.

Antibiotics and other medications

We use antibiotics to kill harmful bacteria in our body but they also kill the good bacteria in our colon. Good bacteria are needed to keep a healthy balance in our digestive system. This is why the use of antibiotics can cause wet farts, bloating, excessive gas, and diarrhea. Long-term antibiotics can cause C. to diff an infection that causes severe inflammation of the colon. Other medications which we use to clear your sinus of infections, cold medicine, blood sugar medicines can also harm our digestive tracts.

Solution:- If you are using antibiotics add probiotics to your daily diet to replace the good flora in your gut. Ensure you follow the dosage and usage instructions for your antibiotics correctly, some antibiotics need to be taken with food while some can be taken on an empty stomach. There are also natural antibiotics you can also research as a replacement.

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Ibs, Crohn’s disease, and other digestive disorders.

Digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease can cause our alimentary canal to become very sensitive many times you feel a fart and before you know it you get more than you bargain for in your underwear.

Solution:- Get a deep stool test to see what is really causing the disease or symptoms. Add fiber, probiotics to your diet and make food changes many persons cured these illnesses by avoiding certain foods.


Digestion of our food begins in our mouth continues to our stomach then finishes in the small intestine.  Here it is in the form of liquid pulp being broken down by enzymes, once the nutrients have been absorbed into our blood the remaining waste enters our large intestine where the liquid is reabsorbed. If the waste spends a long time in the large intestine it becomes dry and clogs up your rectum. As liquid feces from your upper intestinal travels downward to this hardened stool, it flows along the side of this stool plug. So when we fart and it forces itself past this plug and exit with feces causing you to soil your underwear.

Solution: – Add more fiber and roughage to your diet. Fiber holds a lot of water helping your digestive food to pass quickly to your alimentary canal also preventing dry and hard stools.

Gluten intolerance

Research has shown that many persons’ digestive systems are sensitive to gluten and can cause diarrhea and wet farts. Gluten is a sticky protein found in wheat, rye, and barley it causes inflammation in the gut that results in several problems such as autoimmune disease. Signs of gluten sensitivity vary from person to person food allergies, chronic fatigue, hormone imbalance, weight gain, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain.

Solution:- Change your diet, use gluten-free flour, add digestive enzymes and probiotics to your diet.

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Lactose/Lactose Intolerance and Other Foods

One of the common causes of wet farts is lactose intolerance.  Because the body is intolerant of lactose, it does not completely process it and you end up with leftover milk.  Thus, wet farts.

You don’t have to be lactose intolerant for it to cause wet farts.  This can also happen when people drink products that contain lactose and the bacteria in their colons or stomach cause it to go on undigested. Other foods and drinks can have the same result. Foods that cause watery flatus typically have a lot of sorbitol or fructose present.

Solution:- One way to stop wet farting is to stop eating sugary foods and those that contain lactose.  If you have eaten excessive amounts of these foods then you might be able to determine that they are the cause.  If lactose causes wet farts and/or other abnormal feelings, you can get tested by a doctor for lactose intolerance. Digestive enzymes can also help your system to break down lactose.

Air In The Digestive System

Another common cause of wet farts is when air gets swallowed and mixed in with the foods that are digested.  When this air is brought through the body it can cause issues such as wet farts or wet sounding flatulence.

Solution:- Eat on time, eat slowly fast-eating cause gas to enter your digestive tract, avoid chewing gum or sucking of candy.


A variety of infections can cause wet farts.  From food poisoning to gastroenteritis, infections can have a variety of effects on the body.  When it comes to an infection wet farts could be a precursor to diarrhea or might be in combination with diarrhea.

Solution:- If you have an infection, then you will probably be prescribed antibiotics by your doctor. These will help to fight your infection. You want to avoid taking antibiotics more than needed though because they have the potential to damage your immune system.

Excessive Flatulence

When you have excessive flatulence it can cause your body to have rectal moisture. This moisture can result in watery farts.  Excessive farting is more than the average of 14 farts per day.  However, just because you have excessive flatulence does not guarantee that you will have watery flatulence.

Other remedies for liquid farts

There are a variety of remedies for wet farts. Some of them are easy, others aren’t.  Let’s take a look at how you can stop wet farts. Flatulence causes


Dietary Changes

Some professionals recommend a complete diet overhaul for those that suffer from watery flatulence.  That can be excluding lactose but it can also mean eating healthier.  The inability to process sugars and lactose in the stomach could be caused by a bacteria imbalance and that needs to be corrected.  Probiotics, vegetables, fruits, and more might need to be increased.  An action plan can be developed with your doctor.

Over The Counter Medications

There is a variety of over-the-counter medications that you might find helpful when you have wet or water farts. These medications are the same ones that you might use if you have bloating, upset stomach, or diarrhea.  Gas-X, Mylanta, Pepto Bismol, and similar medications are what you are looking for.


Now that you are armed with some of the facts about wet farts, you can start yourself down the road of curing wet flatulence.  Getting rid of such a condition can help you feel more comfortable and can help to prevent awkward situations.  It can also help to make sure that you don’t need to change your underwear that often.

The article was originally published here. Flatulence causes