Oskar Fischinger – Some Time For Great Oskar Fischinger

Oskar Fischinger

Oskar Fischinger – This article we spend for great Oskar Fischinger American animator. Oskar Wilhelm Fischinger was born in city Gelnhausen, near Frankfurt on 22 June 1900. He was a great picture, computer graphics, and movie animator. He earned his name also in the work of the film industry.

Tech mistake | Fischinger made simple movie animation more than 50 and create 800 pictures and movie animation scenes in it. In his picture animation, he used mostly museums, galleries, and other best worldwide collections.

During movie animation his creating animation picture always on 1st number. His animations are also used in a lot of places otherwise movies and computer games. Now I let you why I like Oskar Fischinger and want to become him.

Oskar Fischinger Google

However, I have already told you that Oskar Fischinger is a great American graphic animator than how can think that people will not search about him. People use a lot of keywords to find him on google. People do not like him much according to him greatest animator, people also like his spending time technique.

He spends his most time to create new for people and he used mostly animals, zoos and other its related thing. Actually, he wanted to create love in our hearts for nature through his animation.


People Mostly Use the Following Keywords to find some about him on google which is as follows: 

  • oskar fischinger game
  • oskar fischinger visual music
  • Fischinger films
  • fischinger fantasia
  • fischinger doodle
Now I think we need to talk on google about those keywords people use for the greatest American Animator.


The first game which I like this person is the google music game. This person creates piano music behand google music games which is so much excited and charm-full for me. The second thing which likes so the stars of game and bobbles.

When stars move in a line from one place to another with their full brightness then bobbles also move with them and this scene is so much excited which not I let you. These game graphics represent the hardworking of this man.

This man also creates a lot of other games which graphics I also so much like.

Oskar Fischinger Movies

I am not interested to watch movies but this man’s graphics win my heart. So once a time I watch one movie on this person. As far as I remember I watch an optical poem movie. I am not like this much due to some reason which I should want to let you.

But I am presenting some of this movie. First of all movie creator is present below the sky which does have not any dots. Then accidentally a red color dots appear on them and with him also other coloring dots appear. After some time spending, the dots take shape of stars as far as they dig in the below sky.


And after that, the stars also present the scene of the whole world system / Solar System. After this scene stars change in a triangle shape and start to move on the below-like space. Some other famous movies of Oskar are as follows :

  • Motion Painting no. 1
  • Composition in Blue
  • Circles
  • Woman in the Moon
  • American March