Purchase California 805 area code phone numbers for your business


Tech mistake |The area code 805 currently covers most of Santa Barbara County, Ventura County, and San Luis Obispo County. The area is mostly coastal with Air Force and Naval presence in cities like Lompoc and Port Hueneme. Surprisingly, 805 also covers the US military facilities on the island of Kwajalein, 2,100 nautical miles southwest of Honolulu, Hawaii.

The 805 area code has an approximate population of 2,200,000 people. Twenty-four cities are in the said area code where 11 have median household incomes ranging from $45,000-60,000, nine within $60,001-75,000, and four within the $75,001-100,000 range. Many of its non-military residents live in unincorporated communities and census-designated areas in the four counties.

Apart from the military, the area is home to industries focused on health care, manufacturing, recreation, entertainment, tourism, retail, information technology, and agriculture.

Santa Barbara County, for example, was best known for being home to oil fields and the Vanderberg Air Force Base, but has since expanded its economic focus to software research and development. It is also gaining significant recognition for high-quality wine production.

Meanwhile, the city of San Luis Obispo, one of the notable cities in this area, is known for having many boutiques and shopping centers, and attracts visitors thanks to its support of outdoor activities like sailing, kiteboarding, kayaking, and hiking. It is also home to the headquarters of shoe retailer Takken’s shoes and the Music Man Company Factory.

The 805 area code was originally split from the 213 area code in 1953, and was further split in 1999 with the newer area code, 661, which now covers a large portion of the Central Valley. Other area codes surrounding 805 include 818, covering a large part of Los Angeles County known for television and motion picture studios owned by Warner Brothers, Disney, and NBC Universal; 310, which begins at the southern end of the 805 geographical area, near Malibu; and 559, covering much of the northern Central Valley and home to an agricultural industry that supports companies like Kraft Foods and Del Monte Foods.

Get your area code 805 phone number with the tool above.

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The article was originally published here.