Purchase California area code 310 phone numbers for your business


Tech mistake |California area code 310 extends along the coast from the South Bay and just into Ventura County, covering all of West Los Angeles.. This area code is covers a region with more than 2,500,000 people, in over 970,000 households, with a median household income of over $48,000. It services a wide array of industries, including manufacturing, entertainment, retail, food service and hospitality, technology, and banking and finance.

Major cities covered by area code 310 include Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Malibu, and Long Beach. Aside from being widely recognized as settings for television shows and movies, this area also has a thriving tourism industry and is the hub for a booming startup community, focused primarily in and around Santa Monica.

One of the biggest industries in the area is manufacturing. The Los Angeles area produces apparel, computer and electronic products, transportation products, fabricated metal products, food products, and furniture. The projected job growth over the next few years adds more appeal to doing business in the area. Startups and up-and-coming companies will have the opportunity to tap into the millions of people living within California area code 310.

Overall, area code 310 covers 23 cities, including Burbank, Compton, Gardena, Inglewood, Lakewood, and more. It has an overlay area code, 424, and is surrounded by other California area codes like 562, 323, 747, and 805.

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If a local number is not what you need for your business, you can also choose toll-free numbers for your company here.

The article was originally published here.