what is working drawing in construction definition and types
Let’s begin with the definition…
Construct Connect: A working drawing is a drawing or blueprint based on explanations. It is completed with a thorough plan and views (details, notes, and dimensions) to ensure the product construction or replication without any additional information.
Tech mistake | After learning what is working drawing in construction, you must be interested in knowing more about it. So, keep on reading.
A working drawing is a part of product information provided by the designers to the construction team to help construct a project. Production information is of two types: working drawing and construction drawing.
Working drawings provide graphical, and dimensioned information.
This data can be used by the contractors to build their work or help suppliers to create parts of the work or install/assemble the components. Working drawing can be in the form of structural drawings, architectural drawings, civil drawings, electrical drawings and mechanical drawings, and so forth.
Construct Connect
Conventionally, working drawings consist of two-dimensional orthogonal projections of the building including sections, plans, and elevations. These are either drawn by hand or using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. But now building information modeling (BIM) is used to make three-dimensional representations of buildings and the parts for construction.
Working drawings comprise dimensions, title blocks, symbols, and notation. It is vital for them to be consistent with the industry standards to make an impact.
Construction drawing is slightly different.
What is a construction drawing?
Construction drawing is a set of drawings utilized for displaying the relationship between varied parts of the project. In construction, the drawing will display all the axes of columns, all the dimensions including the ones needed to relate or assemble all the parts all together or locations such as in between the walls, openings, and components. These are produced by the consultants.
They are also known as installation or execution drawings. These are used on the site to either build from scratch or see what has been built. These can be reviewed from time to time.
Types of Working Drawing (In Construction)
What is working drawing in construction cannot be understood without knowing about its types. In construction, working drawing is further of 5 types. These include the following:
Architectural Drawing
An architectural drawing offers a complete view of a building. It exhibits the location of a building and all the parts of a building where they will be seen. Different architectural drawings are known by different names such as elevation, section, plan, and so on.
Structural Drawing
This kind of working drawing provides all the information regarding the structure such as the strength of various structural components, grade, size, structural materials, placement of reinforcement, etc.
Electrical Drawing
This type of working drawing offers details and the location of electrical wiring, sub-station, fixtures, and so on. The electrical load calculation is also provided in the drawing.
Plumbing and Sanitary Drawings
This type of working drawings provides the location of piping for water supply, sanitary, fixture and every process that connects it to every fixture and so on.
Finishing Drawing
Finishing drawings comprise the details of finishing and the final look of the building and this includes tiles, marbles, etc.
Technology and Working Drawing
While traditionally these drawings were done manually, technology is now playing a big role in shaping up the drawings. Procore is drawing-centric software. As interactive CAD drawing management software, it helps in marking and attaching documents related including submittals and RFIs. Besides, there are many more CAD software available.
It is hoped that for those who didn’t understand or were confused about what is working drawing in construction, this article has helped them in understanding and clearing their doubts.
The article was originally published here.
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