Install Kodi 17.1 Ares Wizard & Get Pin

Install Kodi 17.1 Ares Wizard

What is Kodi Ares Wizard

Install Kodi 17.1 Ares Wizard: Ares Wizard could very well be the only Kodi tool that provides you with amazing add-ons for streaming TV and movies. It is totally free of cost where you can access all the 3rd party software developed by Ares Project.

How to Install Kodi 17.1 Ares Wizard:

Tech mistake | Note: It is advisable to use VPN before downloading & installing Ares Wizard

Follow the step-by-step guide to install Kodi 17.1 Ares Wizard and generate a pin using

  1. Go to SYSTEM, in the top left corner.
  2. Now go to System Settings
  3. Select “Add-Ons
  4. Then turn on “Unknown Sources“.  After that, enter Yes.
  5. Then select File Manager.
  6. Now select “Add Source“.
  7. Select “None” and enter the path
  8. Then select OK.
  9. Now choose “Enter a name for this media source”.  Enter a name such as “Techmedia” and Enter OK.
  10. Now go back to the Kodi home screen.
  11. Then select “Add-Ons“.
  12. Now press the Package icon on the top left corner.
  13. Then select “Install From Zip File
  14. Now choose the new source you added, “Techmedia“.
  15. Then select the “repository.arts project” folder
  16. Then select the file in that folder, which is named something similar to arts
  17. Now, wait a minute for the Ares Wizard to load.
  18. Now you will get “Ares Wizard” add-on enabled notification, go to “Install from Repository”.
  19. Then select “Ares Project“.
  20. Now choose “Program Add-Ons
  21. Select Ares Wizard.
  22. Then press Install. Ares Wizard is now ready to install.
  23. Now return to the Kodi home screen.
  24. Then under Program Add-Ons, choose Ares Wizard.
  25. Wait a minute for Ares Wizard to finish installing – you’ll see a notification with Ares Wizard enabled.
  26. Now open Ares Wizard, and select Kodi to build.
  27. Now it asks to enter a PIN, then use another device and browse
  28. Enter the PIN number that is displayed at
  29. Then select “Pulse Build Krypton”.  Enter “Install” to start the Kodi Pulse Build install process.
  30. Now, restart Kodi.